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Adventures in Central America

21 Things I’m Thankful for on my 21st

I thought today would be a good day to reflect on some of the things in my life that I’m most thankful for. Some of them are deep, others are a little sillier but they’re all things I’m grateful to be blessed with.

  1. A family that loves, supports, and encourages me
  2. Friends who stand by me and put up with all of my insanity
  3. Education and training (both high school and Rice)
  4. Speaking Spanish
  5. Meat (sorry vegetarians!)
  6. The experience of having traveling independently
  7. Being in Costa Rica
  8. Church family
  9. My relationship with God and the salvation that He’s given me
  10. A great host mom
  11. A job that I love (both here in Costa Rica and at the OAA)
  12. Internet access
  13. Being challenged intellectually, emotionally, relationally, and spiritually
  14. Forgiveness
  15. My health and my family’s health
  16. The opportunities I get simply because I’m American, by no fault of my own
  17. Having somewhere to call “home”
  18. The chance to study something I love
  19. Beautiful photographs
  20. The time I’ve been given here
  21. Hope for tomorrow and hope for eternity

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