After preparing for this trip for more than six months, it felt weird to realize that it was finally Today. The insanity of the last weeks of school, finals week, mad packing and rushing, and too many goodbyes, culminated this morning with my 6:30 airport dropoff. (Huge thanks to Audrey and her family for having me over and waking up obscenely early to drive me here.)
My lengthy journey to Liberia, Costa Rica begins in Houston. A 3-hour flight to Phoenix, a 3-hour layover, and another 5-hour flight to Costa Rica will land me in San José, the capital. There, I will meet rep from Projects Abroad (the company who is providing my placement, homestay, etc.) who will take me to a hotel for the night. Then tomorrow, I’ll begin the 5-hour bus ride north from San José to Liberia where I’ll meet local Projects Abroad staff, be given some sort of tour or orientation, and then introduced to my host family.
I’m definitely feeling ready for this trip right now. I’m excited about getting to teach and apply all that I’ve been preparing over the past year but I’m also looking forward to getting to learn about new cultures and customs. I can’t wait to start meeting people and finding out more about the people I’ll be interacting with over the next several months. The thing I’m most looking forward to is getting to speak Spanish all the time. That was what I missed most when I left South America last year and so, naturally, is something I’m anxiously anticipating. I’m intrigued by all of the unknowns that currently make up the time in front of me. I want to make sure I’m focusing on appreciating the experiences of each day so that I don’t get to August and wonder where the time went. I’m a little nervous, mostly about how I’ll be able to perform as a teacher, get along with people, how I’ll fit with my host family, whether my Spanish will sustain what I want to do; all of those thoughts are running through my head. The other feeling is just an overwhelming sense of tiredness. The last several weeks of school were absolute insanity for me and I’m behind on rest and mental preparation for leaving the country on my own. I could use about 48 hours of sleep right now, but since that’s not an option, I’m just going to dive in headfirst and give it my best. Here goes…